Jason King

From The Office
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
Two reflections about this:
What would this mean to our lives if we lived as if this was true? Would it still or calm our anxiety? Would it reduce fear and concern for our wellbeing or security? Would being still take any pressure off all the expectations we and others place on us? Would this free us up to just do our best while relieving any concern about not being good enough?
And secondly, this is true whether we live it or not. God will be exalted among the nations and throughout the earth whether we like it or not. In spite of all we do or do not do, God is going to be exalted. That pressure is not on your shoulders. Letting God be God frees you up to just be yourself.
Because of God, I think you’re doing ok and I think this is something worth sharing.
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We’re selling trailer loads of firewood (pine) – 3m3 for $350. Contact Jason on 027 452 7546 for more information.
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As a church we seek to be Trusting in God, Reaching out in service and mission, United in love and Encouraging one another.
As a church we seek to be trusting in God, reaching out in service, united in love, encouraging one another.