Service Times

Sunday 10am

at John Knox Rangiora

Service Times

Sunday 10am

at John Knox Rangiora

Jason King

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From The Office


December 1st. First day of the Church New Year, first day of Summer, first day of Advent (and the first window in the Advent calendar.) Any other firsts?

This week the focus of Advent is Hope. I have a lot of hopes this week. I hope our first service in the new church honours the occasion. I hope the work still to be done doesn’t detract from the amazing job that has been done. I hope the transition doesn’t become too overwhelming. I hope also that we don’t lose what is important this year while we’re fitting out the building. I hope all the tech works. I hope all those who have worked tirelessly to shift the equipment from Cust last weekend realise how amazing they are! I hope we don’t miss any key parts to the opening service next week. And I hope everyone who has been a part of this journey feels a sense of accomplishment.

All the different plates spinning in our lives as we come into this blessed season. I pray we don’t drop the important ones.



Upcoming Events

Sunday 01 December – 10am service – to watch the service live click here


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– To view new building information click here



We’re selling trailer loads of firewood (pine) –  3m3 for $350. Contact Jason on 027 452 7546 for more information.



John Knox Rangiora stands with the wider PCANZ against any form of abuse or sexual misconduct in and among the Mission and Ministries of this Parish.  Should you wish to report or discuss any matter concerning abuse and the Presbyterian Church, we encourage you to do so in whatever way is right for you. You can contact our Complaints and Disputes Manager, email and free phone 0800 244 357.



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As a church we seek to be trusting in God, reaching out in service, united in love, encouraging one another.

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    Our facilities are not available for hire until 2025 due to the current redevelopment.